Sound Therapy: an effective tinnitus management tool

Sound therapy and Zen therapy are two popular and evidence-based techniques for managing tinnitus. These therapies offer an alternative approach to help people who suffer from tinnitus, a condition where one hears ringing, whistling, or buzzing sounds in the absence of an external source. In this article, we will explore the role of sound therapy and Zen therapy in tinnitus management, and help you understand why these therapies can be effective for people with tinnitus.

About sound and Zen therapies

Sound therapy is a type of therapy that uses external sounds to help people with tinnitus manage their symptoms. The idea behind sound therapy is that external sounds, such as white noise, nature sounds or therapeutic music, can help to mask or distract from the tinnitus sounds, reducing their impact on a person's quality of life.

Sound therapy can be delivered in a variety of ways, including through wearable devices such as hearing devices, noise generators, and specialised sound therapy headphones. These devices play soothing sounds like white noise, nature sounds, or soft music, which can help to desensitise the hearing system from the tinnitus sounds and provide relief.

One of the most commonly used sound therapy programs is tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT), which is a type of sound therapy that combines the use of sound therapy with counselling to help people with tinnitus learn to habituate to their tinnitus. Habituation is a process by which the brain learns to tune out or ignore the tinnitus sounds, allowing the person to focus on other things and reducing the distress caused by tinnitus.

Zen therapy is a type of sound therapy that couples mindfulness-based tinnitus management with amplification and specialised Zen tones through Widex hearing aids. Zen therapy involves learning mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help people with tinnitus cope with their symptoms. The idea behind Zen therapy is to help people with tinnitus become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and to develop a more relaxed and accepting attitude towards their tinnitus.

Illustration showing the circular relationship in Zen therapy

The Widex Zen therapy uses patented Zen fractal tones as a type of sound therapy which provide a relaxing distraction and desensitisation for tinnitus sufferers. An experienced tinnitus Audiologist can fit these devices and apply amplification (if required) which studies report higher levels of relaxation, reduced stress and reduced tinnitus awareness and annoyance. These techniques help people with tinnitus to develop a greater sense of control over their symptoms, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve their overall quality of life.

Sound therapy and Zen therapy are recommended for anyone who has been diagnosed with tinnitus and is looking for alternative approaches to managing their symptoms. These therapies can be particularly helpful for people who have tried other treatments without success or for those who prefer a more holistic or non-medical approach to tinnitus management.

A successful outcome with sound therapy or Zen therapy will look different for each person, depending on the severity and impact of their tinnitus. However, some common outcomes include:

  • Reduced distress and anxiety associated with tinnitus

  • Improved sleep and concentration

  • Increased ability to focus on other things besides tinnitus

  • Improved overall quality of life

  • Reduced awareness of tinnitus 

It is important to note that sound therapy and Zen therapy may not cure tinnitus, but they can help people to manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.

Sound therapy and Zen therapy are two effective approaches to managing tinnitus. Both therapies help people to cope with their symptoms, reduce distress and anxiety, and improve their overall quality of life. If you are considering sound therapy or Zen therapy for tinnitus management, it is important to discuss your options with an experienced tinnitus Audiologist who is specialised in sound therapy and Zen therapy to determine which therapy may be right for you.

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