How to manage suspected hearing loss in your partner

As an experienced Audiologist, I often see patients who are resistant to the idea that they are gradually losing their hearing and may require amplification to improve their communication and engagement with friends, family and loved ones. The partners of these patients, such as their husband or wife, often see this gradual change and recognise it early, but struggle to convince their partner to seek help.

This is a common occurence and it can be challenging to help patients who are resistant to seeking help for their hearing loss. However, there are some things that you can do to help the partner of a resistant person to encourage them to seek help.


Provide the person with information about the causes and effects of hearing loss, as well as the benefits of treatment. This can help them to understand the importance of seeking help and may make it easier for them to have a conversation with their partner. The diagnostic hearing test will identify the elements involved in the hearing loss as well as any health issues that require attention in the hearing system. If a hearing loss is detected, regular hearing testing every 12 months can provide information on any progressive nature in the hearing loss that can indicate the rate at which the hearing loss is progressing. 

We often encourage the person to express their concerns in a caring and non-confrontational way. It's important that the patient doesn't feel like they are being attacked or judged, but rather that their loved ones care about their well-being.

Provide support

It can be confronting when a hearing loss is identified and often people require some time to process and discuss the options before proceeding. It is important to provide ongoing support during this time to let the individual and significant others know that you are available to answer any questions or concerns they may have throughout the process.

Highlight the importance of early intervention

Understanding the importance of what caused the hearing loss and how it can be treated generally means the better the outcome will be for everyone. Hearing loss can have a big impact on relationships and communication.

Understanding the benefits of hearing aids

Technology has progressed a lot, and hearing aids have come a long way from the large, bulky devices of the past. Today, hearing aids are small, discreet, and can be tailored to the individual's needs and lifestyle. There is a technology style and performance for everyone's needs. Change doesn't happen overnight, and it's important to remember that it may take some time and patience to adjust to the devices for the best comfort and performance.

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