Surfer’s ear: Exostosis
Exostosis, also known as Surfer's Ear, is a condition that affects the ear canal and is caused by repeated exposure to cold and wet conditions, such as those experienced by surfers and other water sports enthusiasts. This condition is relatively common in adults and can have a significant impact on hearing if left untreated.
Common causes of Exostosis in adults include frequent exposure to cold and wet conditions, particularly in the context of water sports. Other risk factors include genetics, age, and exposure to cold air.
Diagnosis of Exostosis typically begins with a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history, including a review of their symptoms and exposure to cold and wet conditions. This will usually be followed by a physical examination of the ear canal, including a visual inspection and the use of an otoscope and a diagnostic hearing assessment by an experienced Audiologist. A referral to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist, may be required.
Exostosis is a bony growth in the ear canal, visible at the top of the image.
Treatment options for Exostosis vary depending on the severity of the condition and may include conservative measures such as wearing earplugs to reduce exposure to cold and wet conditions, or surgical intervention, such as the removal of the bony growths through a surgical procedure performed by an ENT specialist called a canalplasty.
A successful outcome for Exostosis typically involves the resolution of symptoms, such as discomfort or hearing loss, and a reduction in the size of the bony growths in the ear canal. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to achieve a successful outcome, and patients may need to continue to wear earplugs to prevent recurrence.
It is important for adults who have been diagnosed with Exostosis to follow their Audiologist's recommendations for treatment and management, as well as to take steps to reduce their exposure to cold and wet conditions. This may include wearing earplugs when participating in water sports, or avoiding activities that put them at risk for repeated exposure to cold and wet conditions.
Exostosis is a common condition that affects adults, particularly those who engage in water sports. With proper diagnosis and treatment, a successful outcome can be achieved, allowing patients to return to their normal activities and enjoy good hearing health. If you are concerned about Exostosis, or any other condition affecting your hearing health, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced Audiologist who can provide a thorough evaluation and recommend an appropriate course of treatment.
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